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1 |
राज्यपाल की विवेकाधीन शक्तियाँ: राजनीतिक हस्तक्षेप या संवैधानिक सुरक्षा का साधन? |
डॉ० अरुण कुमार वर्मा एवं
हिमांशु चौरसिया |
1-6 |
2 |
पुराणों में व्याप्त काशी के शैव दर्शन का इतिहास एवं स्वरूप: एक अध्ययन |
मधु यादव |
7-11 |
3 |
सामासिकता का आग्रही दलित साहित्य |
प्रो० दीनानाथ |
12-17 |
4 |
बौद्ध भिक्खुनी संघ: नियम एवं उपसंपदा |
अम्बुज यादव एवं प्रो० अर्चना खरे |
18-24 |
5 |
A Comprehensive Analysis of Data Privacy Evolution in India and Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 |
Raje & Dr. Radheshyam Prasad |
25-32 |
6 |
Revisiting Indian Rape Laws in the Wake of Kolkata Rape Case |
Dr. Padma A. Parija |
33-41 |
7 |
Critical-Legal Analysis of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in India |
Dr. Nandini Raizada
42-48 |
8 |
The Role and Impact of ICT in Improving Educational Quality in the Context of NEP-2020: A Brief Overview |
Sanjay Kumar Yadav &
Dr. Jitendra Kumar |
49-55 |
9 |
A Comprehensive Review on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: Impact on Plant Growth and Nutrient Acquisition |
Salman Khan, Pawan Kumar Kharwar,
Vasundhara Singh, Mahjabi Begum,
Khushboo Kushwaha, Ekta Singh,
Charvi Mishra, Pooja Maurya,
Saumya Singh, Anubha,
Shubha Pathak, Shivani Pathak,
Avinash Pratap Singh |
56-64 |
10 |
A Correlational Study of School Adjustment and Study Habits among Senior Secondary Students |
Sohan Singh & Prof. Abha Singh |
65-69 |
11 |
Death of Woman and Nature in The Bluest Eye: An Eco-Feministic Study |
Vinod Kumar Tiwari &
Dr. Neeti Agarwal Saran |
70-74 |
12 |
संस्कृत साहित्य में कुम्भपर्व का सांस्कृतिक एवं वैज्ञानिक विहङ्गावलोकन |
भास्कर मिश्र |
75-80 |
13 |
संस्कृत रूपकों में विदूषक |
विवेक कुमार |
81-87 |
14 |
Revisiting the Ban on Commercial Surrogacy in India |
Dr. Ritu Raghuvanshi |
88-94 |
15 |
नामकरण संस्कार का मानव जीवन पर प्रभाव |
डॉ० भानुप्रकाश त्रिपाठी एवं
मनकामेश्वर कुमार तिवारी |
95-100 |
16 |
A Study of Family Related Issues Through Anti-Feminist Lens |
Sandeep Agrahari &
Dr. Khushboo Agrawal |
101-108 |
17 |
अली सरदार जाफ़री का नाटक ‘एक सिपाही की मौत’ |
डॉ० नफ़ीस अहमद |
109-116 |
18 |
A Review on the Stability of Essential Oils Under Different Storage Conditions |
Vimal Kumar, Sunil Kumar Yadav &
Ashok Kumar Ranjan |
117-123 |
19 |
A Legal Study of Intellectual Property Law and Artificial Intelligence |
Prayag Kumar Paswan &
Ekta Priyadershani |
124-130 |
20 |
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: Architect of Indian Labour Reforms and Pioneer of Workers’ Social Security |
Vikas Deep Verma &
Dr. Radheshyam Prasad |
131-142 |
21 |
Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024: What Is and What Ought to Be |
Dr. Ramesh Kumar Bharti & Anjalika |
143-155 |
22 |
Comparative Study of Myth and Fantasy in the Works of Girish Karnard and Amish Tripathi |
Atul Kumar & Dr. Rachana |
156-161 |
23 |
When the Dalit Speaks: Neeraj Ghaywan’s Vision of Dalit Empowerment in Geeli Pucchi |
Tushmit Mehruba Aka |
162-169 |