Last date for submission of manuscripts for Volume:3, Issue:1 (January to June 2025) is 30 April 2025.     |     

CONTENTS (Volume: 2, Issue: 2, July-December 2024)

CONTENTS (Volume: 2, Issue: 2, July-December 2024)

Volume:2, Issue:2, July-December 2024


S.No Title Author(s) Page_No. View/Download 
1 राज्यपाल की विवेकाधीन शक्तियाँ: राजनीतिक हस्तक्षेप या संवैधानिक सुरक्षा का साधन? डॉ० अरुण कुमार वर्मा एवं
हिमांशु चौरसिया
2 पुराणों में व्याप्त काशी के शैव दर्शन का इतिहास एवं स्वरूप: एक अध्ययन मधु यादव 7-11
3 सामासिकता का आग्रही दलित साहित्य प्रो० दीनानाथ 12-17
4 बौद्ध भिक्खुनी संघ: नियम एवं उपसंपदा अम्बुज यादव एवं प्रो० अर्चना खरे 18-24
5 A Comprehensive Analysis of Data Privacy Evolution in India and Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 Raje & Dr. Radheshyam Prasad 25-32
6 Revisiting Indian Rape Laws in the Wake of Kolkata Rape Case Dr. Padma A. Parija 33-41
7 Critical-Legal Analysis of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in India

Dr. Nandini Raizada

8 The Role and Impact of ICT in Improving Educational Quality in the Context of NEP-2020: A Brief Overview Sanjay Kumar Yadav &
Dr. Jitendra Kumar
9 A Comprehensive Review on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: Impact on Plant Growth and Nutrient Acquisition Salman Khan, Pawan Kumar Kharwar,

Vasundhara Singh, Mahjabi Begum,

Khushboo Kushwaha, Ekta Singh,

Charvi Mishra, Pooja Maurya,

Saumya Singh, Anubha,

Shubha Pathak, Shivani Pathak,

Avinash Pratap Singh

10 A Correlational Study of School Adjustment and Study Habits among Senior Secondary Students Sohan Singh & Prof. Abha Singh 65-69
11 Death of Woman and Nature in The Bluest Eye: An Eco-Feministic Study Vinod Kumar Tiwari &
Dr. Neeti Agarwal Saran
12 संस्कृत साहित्य में कुम्भपर्व का सांस्कृतिक एवं वैज्ञानिक विहङ्गावलोकन भास्कर मिश्र 75-80
13 संस्कृत रूपकों में विदूषक विवेक कुमार 81-87
14 Revisiting the Ban on Commercial Surrogacy in India Dr. Ritu Raghuvanshi 88-94
15 नामकरण संस्कार का मानव जीवन पर प्रभाव डॉ० भानुप्रकाश त्रिपाठी एवं
मनकामेश्वर कुमार तिवारी
16 A Study of Family Related Issues Through Anti-Feminist Lens Sandeep Agrahari &
Dr. Khushboo Agrawal
17 अली सरदार जाफ़री का नाटक ‘एक सिपाही की मौत’ डॉ० नफ़ीस अहमद 109-116
18 A Review on the Stability of Essential Oils Under Different Storage Conditions Vimal Kumar, Sunil Kumar Yadav &
Ashok Kumar Ranjan
19 A Legal Study of Intellectual Property Law and Artificial Intelligence Prayag Kumar Paswan &
Ekta Priyadershani
20 Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: Architect of Indian Labour Reforms and Pioneer of Workers’ Social Security Vikas Deep Verma &
Dr. Radheshyam Prasad
21 Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024: What Is and What Ought to Be Dr. Ramesh Kumar Bharti & Anjalika 143-155
22 Comparative Study of Myth and Fantasy in the Works of Girish Karnard and Amish Tripathi Atul Kumar & Dr. Rachana 156-161
23 When the Dalit Speaks: Neeraj Ghaywan’s Vision of Dalit Empowerment in Geeli Pucchi Tushmit Mehruba Aka 162-169


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